Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Beneficial nematode)
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (= H. heliothedis) targets white grubs, cucumber, scarab, Colorado potato, Japanese and flea beetles, chafer, thrips, white grub, corn root worm, billbug, black vine weevil, root mealybug. Best used at 68°- 86°F.
Release once every 3-6 weeks for infestations OR once every 60 days as a preventive. 1 million per 60 sq ft OR 1 billion per acre OR for pre-treating potting soil, 1-2 million per cu yd.

Additional Info
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
(= H. heliothedis), Hb
5 tray minimum on most tray sizes.
These trays ship directly from the producer.
Seasonally, we stock 10 million units, from which single trays can be purchased.cucumber, scarab, Japanese, flea beetles, chafer, thrips, white grub, corn root worm, bilbug, CO potato beetle, black vine weevil, root mealybug
nematodes leaving dead insect larva
USDA Nema Lab photo
1 million per 50-60 sq ft.
1 billion per acre.